楼主 |
发表于 2016-3-11 00:06:23
Don't expect too much from my poor old heart,
You can blame me unforgiven for my scars,
You might just be the best that I can find,
But I can't seem to forget the tears I've cried,
I don't know that I will ever trust again,
It's a price I must pay for all my sins,
Time has changed me and left me full of doubt,
And my heart may be lost never to be found
Once upon a time I did believe,
In my true love that swept me off my feet,
Then the wind of change swept him away,
And left me drowning in my own pain
I don't know that I will ever love again,
It's a price that I must pay for all my sins,
Time has changed me and left me full of doubt,
And my heart may be lost never to be found
I don't know that I will ever love again,
It's the price that I must pay for all my sins,
Time has changed me and left me full of doubt,
I don't know that I will ever trust again,
It's the price I must pay for all my sins,
Time has changed me and left me full of doubt,
And my heart may be lost never to be found
一直被定位为草根蓝调音乐歌手,同时在北美地区拥有极大群忠诚歌迷的Alison,虽然已经是众人眼中的天之骄子,但並不以此为满足。所以她学习制作、编曲,到处巡迴演出,就是想让更多人了解这项极具特色的音乐,因此当马友友在录制「阿帕拉契之旅」跨界专辑时,邀她演出,她也义不容辞。与过去几张专辑不同,Alison这张专辑偏向带有乡村风格的成人流行音乐,除了再次尝试乡村音乐的新可能,也向忠诚的歌迷们证明她的多元性。 整张专辑曲风充满了浓浓的感伤情怀,老搭档Union Station这次退居幕后,仅以伴奏方式出现,简单的编曲,加上吉他、贝斯、斑鸠琴、曼陀林、民谣小提琴、杜布罗吉他,是张适合独处,气氛安静、心情有点寂寞的时候聆听的专辑,是全然acoustic的味道。开场的「别走」及结尾的「梦中有你」是电台DJ最常播放的曲目,前者敘述旧情人重逢,互道近況及感叹无法有美好结局的无奈,简单的歌词配上Alison乾净的声音,令人伤感;后者是改编超级制作人Allen Reynolds创作、桃莉芭顿名曲;「或许」原主唱是目前乡村音乐人气歌星Garth Brooks;「屋中灵魂」描写感情渐淡的夫妻,虽然居住在同一屋簷下,却互相忽视对方的存在,空气中凝结的气氛、变调的爱情,及两个无视於对方的灵魂,无奈的情绪,都在Alison的歌声一一道出