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[转帖] 《The moon is a harsh mistress》

发表于 2008-10-3 00:13:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Radka Toneff是一位来自挪威的爵士女歌手,有着漂亮的眼睛和一头漂亮的卷发,却有着令人难以想象的悲情气质。在整张专辑,流水般的钢琴,始终轻轻的衬托着她那用心唱出的一个个音符。让你能捕捉到每一个音符的喜怒哀乐。用心去唱的音乐,是最好的音乐。但Radka Toneff因为精神抑郁,香消玉殒。
  《The moon is a harsh mistress》 月亮是一个无情的情人。Harsh,还有荒芜之意,是啊,荒芜。那么美,又那么寂寞,碧海青天夜夜心;那样温暖的色调,依旧改变不了自己冰冷的事实。她的声音就散发着月亮的银辉,仿佛伸手可触,却又遥不可及;仿佛很温暖,但又很寒冷。 也许,正因为太明白,她才会选择在不久后自缢。于是听着这首天籁,我知道了一种感觉叫心痛。

The moon is a harsh mistress

See her as she flies
Golden sails across the sky
Close enough to touch
But careful if you try
Though she looks as warm as gold
The moon's a harsh mistress
The moon can be so cold
Once the sun did shine
And lord it felt so fine
The moon a phantom rose
Through the mountains and the pine
And then the darkness fell
The moon's a harsh mistress
It's hard to love her well
I fell out of her eyes
I fell out of her heart
I fell down on my face, yes I did
And I tripped and I missed my star
And I fell and fell alone
The moon's a harsh mistress
The sky is made of stone
The moon's a harsh mistress
发表于 2008-10-3 06:53:34 | 只看该作者

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